Sunday, October 12, 2008

Absolutely Disgusting! --->

Well, this is Rianna back from church. It was pretty awkward today. But I won't get into that. 

So tomorrow is Columbus day. I hate Columbus day. It should be renamed or abolished. He was a jerk and a dark blotch in The Americas history. He was a racist, rapist, pig. The pugnacious entity of him that thought he had to conquer every plot of land  he stepped foot on. But I'll survive. 

I just watched the Twilight Trailer. It was crap. the acting is crap and the special effects were horrible. People just jumping up. I wasn't supprised though. This might be the first movie I have ever thought about where I don't want the movie to be like the book. More on that later though. 

So, the election is only in a few weeks. Last night we discovered that someone had stolen our Obama yard sign. That made us pretty upset but we weren't that after reading this article we felt that it could have been worse.

Well, I let me think. I need a good link of the day. hmm.... Ahh here we go. It is great for my future profession. click here -> *


Question of the Day. 
If you could go back in time and talk to one person and not change history who would you talk to?

Nostradamus is not a choice.


Anonymous said...

I never knew all that about Columbus. Maybe I'll boycott Columbus day. As for the question of the day, I think I would want to talk to Gandhi. I just think he was so radically before his time, and his ideas and concepts were so noble. I'd loved to talk to him about them.

Rianna said...

Cool. Gandhi, Ghandi! He was pretty smart.

Anonymous said...

I am in complete agreement about Columbus. It's people like him that make you believe that the human genetic sequence is more than 60% percent identical to that of lettuce. Let's organize a mass boycott and all wear pins or something!

I haven't watched the trailer yet. The sound on my computer still isn't working (oh no! I can't listen to PotterCast!), so I didn't want to have to see Robert Pattinson's yeti-like visage and yet not hear his euphonius voice. Jenny says he looks like a yeti, and euphonius (melodic, pleasant sounding) was the word of the day.

I looked at the exhibit at the Natural History museum on taxidermy to learn about my future career.

Answer to the Question of the Day:
I don't know. Can I go back in time and slap the first Young Adult who shortened the phrase 'How are you?' to 'how r u???' and sent it to someone? If I had to talk to someone, though, it would probably be Susan B. Anthony, because she was awesome, and without her women wouldn't have rights and we'd all be wearing about twenty layers of skirts and corsets. Yeah.

The very long comment of Libby can be viewed above.

Amelia said...

Wow. Your blog is getting quite popular, and for good reason! I so agree with you on Columbus. He was so ew. Emma R!!!!! I don't know if you'll read this comment, but HI! Dude we haven't talked in forever. But anyway- on to question of the day... I think I'd like to talk to... um... GEORGE HARRISON. Or Miles Davis. Or, talking to just some random person on the street from like 1960 would be cool. NICE BLOG!!!!