Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy Almost New Year!

Well, I'm here again. Burning some time before going to a party. A little bored.

I haven't really done that much today. Just been chilling and chatting.

I haven't a book I have been reading. It was super good, called A Mango-Shaped Space by Wendy Mass. It's about a girl living with Synesthesia which sounds like a horrible affliction but really isn't. It cause her to connect letters, words, and sounds with colors and shapes. So for example she believes and it's truly real to her that the letter a is lemon yellow. It's really fascinating and here is a link to learn more about it ------> &

It snowed about an inch yesterday. Not a lot but it beets the black slush normally accumulating in the streets. Nice way to start the new year I would say.

I don't know how I'm going to deal with the new year. I tend to fail writing down calender dates. (If you look at my school work you will see that work down over a week will probably all bear the same date) 2009. Looks cool enough in this font I suppose. Better than 2008 at least. 

2009 also brings new things. Convienietly I started Kindergarten in the year 2000. This means that I started 1st grade in 2001. 2nd in 2002. 3rd in 2003. 4th in 2004, etc. Getting the amazing pattern that no other class for like a century will be able to cherish? Yup, in the fall this year it means 9th Grade. Frightening, eh?

Well, time to move out. See you next year. ha ha... Bye!


P.S. Happy Birthday, again Amelia. Even though it's over for you. :(

1 comment:

Amelia said...

Parties are cool. Oh yeah I heard about that book. Seems awesome. Yeah omg I noticed that thing about the year corresponding with the grade- its so cool! Yeah.

Thank you. Well, there's next year.