Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Well, It's been a few days...

Well, yep. I was pretty weirded out on Elections night. I was freaking out the whole time. I had gotten up at like 5:50 that morning to go with my mom to vote and was so tired. I stayed up till like 12:32 in the morning to listen to Obama's speech. And if I may say so, I can't wait to find out what lucky little dog will be chosen to be the First Dog.

Well, after that the week was pretty good. Pretty normal at least if not good. Went down to Bloomington, Indiana for a  memorial service. Hung out with a lot of relatives and their friends and stuff. It wasn't to bad.

Now I'm back at home and it's 6:50 in the morning because of my new whacked up schedule (don't ask). I pretty much feel like a sack of flour on the couch. Okay, that was a weird comparison but whatever. 

I hope the heater works at school today. I'm bringing a sweatshirt with my jacket just in case though. Schools shouldn't be able to  be open without heat. My language arts room was flooded to. Does that count for anything?

Ahh... well. To tired to remember what else I usually do on this blog


Amelia said...

Wow. But Obama's speech was definitely worth it, don'tcha think? First Dog lol. Ooh- Bloomington! I've been there... I think. Oh. Memorial. Service.

Oh wow. Ugh, whacked up schedule's are so annoying. Normally. Sack of flour- that was actually really funny, Rianna. Omg. Dang- heaters breaking is bad news. Ouch. Flooded.. again??! That reminded me of that one time when my LA class was flooded too! After that one kid like flushed down a whole bunch of toilet paper. Weird. It was almost creepy.


Anonymous said...

I was talking to Jenny this morning, and we were trying to concentrate the power of our thoughts enough that the boiler at Slauson would explode. It didn't work, sadly.

My apologies about your whacked up schedule.